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FOI #100168

Request Details:- 

We write to request copies of all vehicle usage policies, procedures and legislation for the following departments, statutory authorities, and government companies in this Ministry:


  • Department of Tourism
  • Public Transport Unit
  • Cayman Airways
  • Port Authority
  • Airports Authorities
  • Cayman Turtle Centre
  • Tourism Attraction Board


We request that any documents released include any policies, procedures and references to legislation that legally entitles civil servants to abuse their access to government vehicles; insured and licensed with funds paid for by the public, fueled with gas paid for by the public, maintained and serviced with funds paid for by the public to pick up coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner regularly, pick up friends and family and run other personal errands. We see the employees of the Public Transport Unit abusing their government issued vehicles to get lunch at Island Taste all the time. 


We also request details of the number of, make and model of vehicles for each department, statutory authority, and government company.

Outcome:- Granted in full 

Closure Date:- 11 Jan 2023


FOI #96543

Request Details:- 

- Could you please advise me of the dates that Julian Watler was employed at CIAA.
- Could you please provide me with copies of any/all documentation in regards to the circumstances and details of the "Gross Misconduct" of Julian Watler referenced in the before captioned Hansard Report.
- Could you please provide me any/all reports of the findings and conclusions of the investigation that lead to the dismissal of Julian Watler from CIAA.
- Could you please advise  if Julian Watler's employment was terminated because of this same "Gross Misconduct"

Outcome:- Exempt

Closure Date: 7 Nov 2023


CONTACT CIAA +1 (345) 943-7070