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FOI #96543

Request Details:- 

- Could you please advise me of the dates that Julian Watler was employed at CIAA.
- Could you please provide me with copies of any/all documentation in regards to the circumstances and details of the "Gross Misconduct" of Julian Watler referenced in the before captioned Hansard Report.
- Could you please provide me any/all reports of the findings and conclusions of the investigation that lead to the dismissal of Julian Watler from CIAA.
- Could you please advise  if Julian Watler's employment was terminated because of this same "Gross Misconduct"

Outcome:- Exempt

Closure Date:- 20 Apr 2022

FOI #97006

Request Details:- 

Information Requested

1. A copy of the present legal binding letter of agreement and relevant addendums between the Cayman Islands Fire Service and the Cayman Islands Airport Authority.
2. Proof that the CIAA was involved and aware of the most resent Designate Chief Fire Officer selection process as per it letter of agreement with the CIFS.
3. Proof that the CIAA is in support of the selection of a candidate that do not meet the requirements or qualifications as outlined in the letter of agreement.
4. Proof that a representative from the CIAA sat on the panel during the recruitment process.
5. Proof that the Cayman Islands Civil Aviation Authority is also in support of the selection of the Designate Chief in accordance with the agreed letter of agreement between all parties which is also supported by the Governor.
6. Proof the current letter of agreement is binding by law and have been endorsed by the CIAA and the Governor of the Cayman Islands.
7. Justification as to why the Designated Chief Fire Officer recruitment process did not confirmed to the terms of the current letter of agreement and why it was disregarded?

Outcome:- Granted in full

Closure Date:- 16 Jun 2022

FOI #98623

Request Details:- 

CIG advertising spend broken down by media house and category (promotional vs. job adverts) for the time period of 1 Jan 2021 to 30 September 2022. 

Outcome:- Granted in full

Closure Date:- 17 Oct 2022

CONTACT CIAA +1 (345) 943-7070