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FOI #92619

Request Details:- 

What are the qualifications of the managers at the airport including the AOM, CNSM?
Interview minutes for the hiring of the AOM and CNSM.
Interview minutes for the AOM applicants (Feb 21 2020).

Outcome:- Granted in full

Closure Date:- 18 May 2021

FOI #93088

Request Details:- 

1. Complete copies of all written permission, licenses or authorization, including any historic permissions issued by the Cayman Islands Airport Authority for the provision of fixed base operations of any nature, including:
i. Marshalling and parking of all aircraft using the General Aviation apron (ORIA);
ii. Provision of fuel in keeping with the aircraft operators' request;
iii. Assist aircraft crew with the entry and exit process;
iv. Assist aircraft crew with the Flight Planning process;
v. Provide any other service required by visiting or locally based aircraft;
vi. Provide passenger handling services for commercial operators.
2. Complete copies of any handling license or permission of whatsoever nature;
3. Complete copies of any Ground Handling Policy that is currently in place having been approved by the Cayman Islands Airport Authority board; and
4. Complete copies of any other regulations or policies issued in respect of any of the above-mentioned services.

Outcome:- Granted in part

Closure Date:- 28 Jul 2021

FOI #93323

Request Details:- 

Please could the Airport staff provide answers to the following inquiries: 
Airport Operations Data Base being used by Airport
• Provider
• Renewal Date
• Provider of Support
• Total Value of contract
• Breakdown of costs and copy of license
• Please provide full copy of the agreement/contract between solution providing party and airport
• Is the Airport looking to go for RFP for this in the near future?  
If you have copies of contracts, please may these be attached.

Outcome:- Granted in part

Closure Date:- 12 Aug 2021

FOI #93593

Request Details:- 

Please provide copies of all licences/permissions/authorisations granted by the CIAA for the provision of "bulk fuel installation" and all related fuel services since 2008 for ORIA and CKIA including, but not limited to, the following entities: Rubis Cayman Islands Limited and Sol Petroleum Cayman Limited. 

Outcome:- Not granted

Closure Date:- 8 Sep 2021

CONTACT CIAA +1 (345) 943-7070